City with T
- Tokyo
- Tampa
- Tulsa
- Toledo
- Turin
- Taipei
- Tehran
- Tijuana
- Toulouse
- Tacoma
- Tirana
- Tunis
- Tucson
- Topeka
- Oglas
- Torino
- Trier
- Troy
- Tampa Bay
- Teheran
- Tripoli
- Tallinn
- Temecula
- Tahoe
- Texas City
- Tuscaloosa
- Tours
- Tuscon
- Trondheim
- Tübingen
- Tuscany
- Tilton
- Tempe
- Tbilisi
- Taranto
- Telluride
- Tenerife
- Trieste
- Texarkana
- Tegucigalpa
- Truro
- Tianjin
- Thomasville
- Thane
- Tustin
- Tampere
- Timmins
- Trogir
- Tyler
- Thunder Bay
- Traverse City
- Tamil Nadu
- Tashkent
- Tracy
- Tamworth
- Tomsk
- Thessaloniki
- Taos
- Tangier
- Oglas
- Tampico
- Tucuman
- Toulon
- Terre Haute
- Thebes
- Tahoe city
- Tangiers
- Turku
- Toowoomba
- Talladega
- Thousand Oaks
- Titusville
- Takoma
- Trujillo
- timbaktu
- Taylor
- Tillamook
- Tabriz
- taipeh
- Timaru
- tarnowskie gory
- trento
- Taupo
- tychy
- Thornton
- Troyes
- tiran
- Tupelo
- Tigard
- temple city
- Townsend
- Tonga
- Tecumseh
- tomaszow mazowiecki
- Tarrytown
- Tipperary
- Tczew
- Tewksbury
- Tuskegee
- Tainan
Riječi na popisu City with T dolaze od igrača igre riječi Grad, Država, Selo.