Australian cities/towns with H
- Hurstville
- Hackham
- Hawthorn
- Horsham
- Hagley
- Hall
- Hay
- Hampshire
- Heidelberg
- Hervey Bay
- Hampton
- Homebush
- Harris Park
- Harrington
- halls creek
- Oglas
- Helensburgh
- Halifax
- Hallam
- holland
- Helensvale
- Hastings
- Holsworthy
- haberfield
- Hopetown
- Hahndorf
- Hawthorne
- Hampton Park
- Harrietville
- Harbour
- haines
- Hume
- Holanda
- Hamilton island
- hometown
- Homeland
- Healesville
- Hill
- honolulu
- Hillside
- Hillsborough
- Heathmont
- Hopetoun
- Helen
- Hyderabad
- Hanoi
- Hawkesbury
- Huston
- Harrison
- hat
- Hobarth
- hamburger
- hot
- Handy
- howard
- hurtsville
- hudson
- Hackett
- holand
- Haymarket
- Harvey
- Henryville
- habana
- harold
- Har
- Hilly
Riječi na popisu Australian cities/towns with H dolaze od igrača igre riječi Grad, Država, Selo.