Superheld mit T
- Thor
- The Flash
- Tony Stark
- Terminator
- Thunderman
- Tanos
- The Amazing Spiderman
- Tohr
- Toni Stark
- Tor
- The Incredible Hulk
- tarzan
- Titanman
- Teen Titans
- Turtels
- Oglas
- The Thing
- The hulk
- Titania
- Two Face
- Turnschuhmann
- Toad
- tabaluga
- Timo
- The Riddler
- Tom Turbo
- Tempest
- Taskmaster
- Toastman
- Toto
- treeman
- Todoroki
- Tintenfischman
- Tomahawk
- Tierman
- Translucent
- Thing
- The Punisher
- Tarnus
- the falcon
- The Deep
- Tarkan
- Tim Drake
- Teletubbies
- Twoface
- Titman
- Timelord
- Tigress
- titenman
- Thomas Müller
- T Rex
- Tyrone
- tarnos
- tiger
- Taurus
- Tinkabell
- Tomatolix
- Turtles
- Tatsumaki
- Tarantelman
- Tomatenmann
Riječi na popisu Superheld mit T dolaze od igrača igre riječi Grad, Država, Selo.